Where can Ravenscroft’s “magnesium-bronze monstrosities that…seem to shimmer” be seen?
All four of the SS United States‘ propellers are on display on the East Coast of the US. The inboard pair were five-bladed—one of them is located at the Mariner’s Museum at Newport News, VA, where the ship was built; the other at the State University of New York Maritime College in the Bronx. The outboard pair were four-bladed—one is at the museum adjacent to the US Merchant Marine Academy at King’s Point, Long Island; and the other (pictured, courtesy of the SS United States Conservancy) is at Pier 76 on Manhattan’s westside.
For those doing a transatlantic crossing on QM2, she carries a spare propeller on her fo’c’sle that has a similar machined effect, and which can be inspected close-up.
The Conservancy’s website, ssusc.org, has much more detail about the SS United States, including a paper discussing her propellers.